Herbalifeline® - A premium-grade nutritional marine lipid complex (Omega - fish oil) capsule with special nutritional and herbal factors
Many people used to take a cod liver oil capsule and felt they had covered one nutritional corner at least! Nowadays, our busy and ofter stressful lifestyles mean this may no longer be sufficient.
Marine food is truly nutritious, a fact we can not deny, but studies show that the European diet often does not take full advantage of this fabulous marine harvest. Herbalifeline® enables you to benefit from the fruits of the sea; formulated to help maintain supple joints and to support the natural function of the heart and circulation.

Did you know....
- A common sign of EFA deficiency is dry skin.
- EFAs are easily destroyed by heating or exposure to oxygen.
- To reduce your exposure to fats that are harmful - avoid fried foods, burnt or brown fat, saturated or hydrogenated fat and add a quality EFA supplement to your daily diet
Frequently Asked Questions
Aren't all fats harmful?
Foods containing polysaturated fats provide us with Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids (EFAs) which are good components of fat.
Why is it important to consume a sufficient amount of Omega 3 EFAs?
Omega 3 EFAs are essential because we need them to maintain good health. The body can not produce them independently and must obtain them from dietary sources. Omega 3 EFAs are ofter deficient in the modern diet. Studies show that Eskimos and the Japanese, who for centuries have eaten fatty fish, have a very low rate of heart disease and circulatory disorders due in part to their diet.
Why are Omega 3 EFAs often deficient?
Marine food (including salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines) is the main source of Omega 3 EFAs, but not so much popular or regular culinary choice. This may be due to the high price paid for quality fresh fish. It can be more difficult to cook, or may taste "bland" in comparison with meat and cheese dishes.
Are you getting enough?
At least three portions of marine food weekly is recommended amount indicated by nutritional experts. This quantity provides adequate quantity of Omega 3 EFAs.
What if you do not like fish?
For those who only eat fish once a week or not at all, Herbalifeline's quality Omega 3 ingredients help to top-off the body's needs and fit in with a busy lifestyle.
Omega 3 and Omega 6 EFAs - which is which?
Many of the oils we use are plant based (vegetable or sunflower oil), these provide a good supply of Omega 6 EFAs, but have virtually no Omega 3 EFAs as Omega 3 EFAs are primarily found in marine food.
What are the benefits of taking Herbalifeline® regularly?
This supplement has been formulated to help maintain supple joints and to support the natural function of the heart and circulation. The ingredients can also help us maintain healthier looking skin.
I don't like taking fish capsules because of the aftertaste...
The capsule contains three essential oils: thyme, peppermint and clove, which help keep the fish oil fresh and pure and reduces any aftertaste.
How much do I need?
Your body's needs for EFAs will depend on your weight, diet and lifestyle. If your diet contains a lot of saturated fats (fats that are solid at room temperature), your needs are greater.
How can Herbalifeline help increase Nitric Oxide in the body?
Fish oils can protect your endothelial cells - and their ability to make NO - by interfering with the oxidation process, blocking platelet aggregation that can trigger a heart attack or stroke, and even minimizing the risk of heart arrhythmias. Research has consistently shown that the production of Nitric Oxide increased within minutes after exposure to Omega 3 fatty acids.
For more information, to arrange a free consultation or to order products, call Jamie on +65 81020710 or email herbalife.jamiec@gmail.com.
Marine food is truly nutritious, a fact we can not deny, but studies show that the European diet often does not take full advantage of this fabulous marine harvest. Herbalifeline® enables you to benefit from the fruits of the sea; formulated to help maintain supple joints and to support the natural function of the heart and circulation.

Key Ingredient Properties: Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids:
- "Essential" because body can not produce Omega 3's and must obtain them from dietary sources.
- Provide a rich source of Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) which are converted by the body into prostaglandins. These hormone like substances are considered to be essential for proper brain function affecting vision, co-ordination, mood and learning ability. They also help maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, thus helping to control blood pressure, maintain the immune system and help mediate inflammation.
- Low reflux formula helps to minimise fish oil taste during digestion.
- Small, easy-to-swallow, soft-gel capsule.
Did you know....
- A common sign of EFA deficiency is dry skin.
- EFAs are easily destroyed by heating or exposure to oxygen.
- To reduce your exposure to fats that are harmful - avoid fried foods, burnt or brown fat, saturated or hydrogenated fat and add a quality EFA supplement to your daily diet
Frequently Asked Questions
Aren't all fats harmful?
Foods containing polysaturated fats provide us with Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids (EFAs) which are good components of fat.
Why is it important to consume a sufficient amount of Omega 3 EFAs?
Omega 3 EFAs are essential because we need them to maintain good health. The body can not produce them independently and must obtain them from dietary sources. Omega 3 EFAs are ofter deficient in the modern diet. Studies show that Eskimos and the Japanese, who for centuries have eaten fatty fish, have a very low rate of heart disease and circulatory disorders due in part to their diet.
Why are Omega 3 EFAs often deficient?
Marine food (including salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines) is the main source of Omega 3 EFAs, but not so much popular or regular culinary choice. This may be due to the high price paid for quality fresh fish. It can be more difficult to cook, or may taste "bland" in comparison with meat and cheese dishes.
Are you getting enough?
At least three portions of marine food weekly is recommended amount indicated by nutritional experts. This quantity provides adequate quantity of Omega 3 EFAs.
What if you do not like fish?
For those who only eat fish once a week or not at all, Herbalifeline's quality Omega 3 ingredients help to top-off the body's needs and fit in with a busy lifestyle.
Omega 3 and Omega 6 EFAs - which is which?
Many of the oils we use are plant based (vegetable or sunflower oil), these provide a good supply of Omega 6 EFAs, but have virtually no Omega 3 EFAs as Omega 3 EFAs are primarily found in marine food.
What are the benefits of taking Herbalifeline® regularly?
This supplement has been formulated to help maintain supple joints and to support the natural function of the heart and circulation. The ingredients can also help us maintain healthier looking skin.
I don't like taking fish capsules because of the aftertaste...
The capsule contains three essential oils: thyme, peppermint and clove, which help keep the fish oil fresh and pure and reduces any aftertaste.
How much do I need?
Your body's needs for EFAs will depend on your weight, diet and lifestyle. If your diet contains a lot of saturated fats (fats that are solid at room temperature), your needs are greater.
How can Herbalifeline help increase Nitric Oxide in the body?
Fish oils can protect your endothelial cells - and their ability to make NO - by interfering with the oxidation process, blocking platelet aggregation that can trigger a heart attack or stroke, and even minimizing the risk of heart arrhythmias. Research has consistently shown that the production of Nitric Oxide increased within minutes after exposure to Omega 3 fatty acids.
For more information, to arrange a free consultation or to order products, call Jamie on +65 81020710 or email herbalife.jamiec@gmail.com.
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