Changing seasons? In bed with a cold? Here is how to ensure Consistent Health...

It's that time of the year, the weather's all over the place - freezing cold, brief sunshine, wind, rain, some sleet at some places. Because of these changes in weather conditions, we become susceptible to colds and bugs and stay in bed! Saying that, our body, given the right conditions, is a powerful self-healing organism. It is only when we let down our guard and don't provide those "right conditions" that ill health creeps in.Here is how to put the Right Conditions in place, Right Now and defend your health...
Let's start with stress!
Our modern lifestyle means that many of us are under constant pressure. Stress releases a flood of chemicals that should only really be triggered in life-threatening situations. These chemicals must be eliminated, which is a process that depletes essential nutrients needed by the body to maintain health.
This is where daily moderate exercise, preferably in the fresh air, becomes essential. It distracts us from our daily troubles, enlivens the body, oxygenates the blood, and like laughter, releases healing endorphins. Exercise also improves the flow of lymph around the body - the lymph system is the body's waste disposal system, essential for toxin elimination.
To minimise stress, you also need to relax and rest properly. At the end of each day, escape for 15-30 minutes, sit quietly, empty your mind and focus on gentle breathing to minimise stress. Just 60 seconds focusing on your breathing can take you from fast, anxious breathing, to calm, controlled breathing, curbing a stress response and saving your body a lot of unnecessary work.
You need 6-8 hours sound sleep every night so that your body can concentrate its efforts on repair and maintenance. Go to bed in good time, avoid loud, upbeat music, intense exercise or heavy meals three hours beforehand - a busy digestive system doesn't contribute to restful sleep.
Finally, the key to a healthy defence system is a rich supply of hard working nutrients - antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, protein, healthy fats and colourful carbohydrates.
Fill your plate with colourful carbohydrates - seasonal fruit and vegetables: include a generous salad every day (raw food provide more nutrients than cooked foods). Choose light steaming or quick frying when cooking, to preserve nutrients.
Go for organic. This reduces your intake of pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, growth promoters and other chemical toxins (toxins overload the organs of elimination, wasting precious energy and nutrients).
Eat fruit on an empty stomach, not with other foods, to ensure proper digestion.
Eat when relaxed, chew properly, take your time and enjoy.
Five portions of fruit and vegetables daily is the minimum. Double up for double protection!

Sprouted Seeds
They are living foods bursting with vitality and nutrients - a must for winter health maintenance.
Vitamin C rich foods
Such as citrus fruit, kiwis, blackcurrants, dark green leafy vegetables, strawberries and red peppers. Vitamin C enhances immunity and can shorten the duration of colds.
Winter berries
They also help protect against colds and flu. Try blackberries, blueberries, elderberries, cranberries.
Vitamin A rich foods
Vitamin A helps to fight infections and accelerates healing. Found naturally in oily fish, offal, yellow, orange, red and dark green vegetables, egg yolk, milk and dairy products, yellow and orange fruits.
Zinc rich foods
Zinc helps to fight infections and accelerates healing. Found naturally in lean meat, shellfish, wheat germ, brewer's yeast, wholegrains, eggs, seeds and nuts.
Antioxidant rich foods
These include apples, berries, carrots, citrus fruits, garlic and onions, greens, red grapes, seeds, soy foods, sweet potatoes, green tea, turmeric, walnuts, winter squashes...
Healthy Fats
They protect and insulate the cells. Increase your intake of Omega 3s, found in oily fish. If you do not like fish, take a supplement (such as Herbalifeline).
Hot spicy food
Include a hot curry once a week with garlic, which helps fight infection, ginger which relieves cold and flu symptoms and turmeric for its powerful antioxidant properties.
Drink eight glasses of water daily, vital for the transport of precious nutrients!
Herbalife Solution: Take out extra health insurance with our potent antioxidant supplements:
Schizandra Plus
The colourful berries of the Schizandra plant have been highly regarded by Chinese and Asian herbalists for centuries and more recently, the berries have been recognised by western civilisation for their positive effect on the body as an "adaptogen" - a sophisticated substance that can help the body adjust to environmental conditions. Together with Kelp, Vitamins C, E, B6, B5 and amino acids L-Phenylalanine and L-Cysteine, Schizandra Plus provides a powerhouse of antioxidant nutrients to help fight bugs and viruses, perform 24-7 repair and maintenance and disable free radicals. More about Schizandra Plus.
ShapeWorks Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex
Most health experts recommend taking a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement, with good reason: depleted soils produce harvests with reduced nutrient content, modern fast foods typically have all the goodness "processed out", poor diet, smoking, alcohol, stress, pollution, excess weight, all create a demand for a higher intake of vitamins and minerals. The kindest habit you can adopt for your health is a daily multi-supplement; it's the most authentic all-year-round form of health insurance and Herbalife's Formula 2 is one of the best quality multi-supplement you can find around! More about Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex.
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