Give Your Digestive System a Break This Festive Season!

Do you have a dodgy digestion?
Our digestive systems are remarkably resilient, although bad eating and lifestyle habits can stress them out, leading to a number of unpleasant symptoms such as bloating, water retention, constipation, flatulence, cramps and indigestion.
If any of the above sounds familiar, read on for some simple ways to improve your digestive health...
It is not just what you eat, but how you eat it...
For healthy digestion, it is as important to look at how you eat as what you eat.
Chew your food as saliva can only break down food so far - your teeth need to do the rest.
Eat regularly and moderately as if you eat too much and too often, your digestive system will not get a minute's peace and it is important it does!
Eat slowly and calmly: high stress levels are a major cause of both constipation and diarrhoea. If you rush when you eat, you'll increase your chances of bad digestion.
The essential ingredients of good digestion
Wonderful water!
If you aren't drinking your daily eight large glasses of water, then start today! The fluid you drink dissolves minerals, vitamins and nutrients, which are then more easily absorbed by your body. Water also relieves constipation by lubricating and softening food waste.
Friendly Fibre!
The average European only consumes half the daily recommended amount of fibre (25-35g), even though it is crucial for healthy digestion. Essentially, fibre is food your body can't absorb or break down, which passes into the colon and is eliminated as waste.
As well as aiding digestion and relieving constipation, fibre also has other health benefits such as reducing the risk of heart disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Some tips for including fibre in your diet
Try to eat as wide a variety as possible for the greatest health benefit:
Try wholegrain bread, brown rice and whole-wheat pasta. Refined products like white bread remove the outer coat from the grain, which lowers fibre content.
Eat fruit at every meal - apples, oranges, pears and berries are great sources of fibre. But beware! Removing the skin from fruits and vegetables decreases their fibre content.
If you want to snack, how about some (low-fat) popcorn? Two air-popped cupfuls give you 2.4g fibre.
Herbalife Solutions for Healthy Digestion
If eating too much of all the wrong kinds of foods has really taken its toll, you may benefit from Herbalife's core nutrition product - Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix, which can be used as a healthy breakfast as it contains protein and complex carbs and 4 wholemeal toasts equivalent of fibre.
In addition to Formula 1 shake, the following Herbalife products have been specifically formulated to aid Healthy Digestion:
Cell Activator
Your diet is only as good as what your body can absorb. Cell Activator contains a blend of nutrients, plants, and B-vitamins that support energy production and improves performance by helping essential nutrients reach their destination. More about Cell Activator...
Herbal Aloe Concentrate
Stressed digestive systems can be soothed and cleansed by Herbal Aloe Concentrate's aloe vera and camomile. A couple of glasses a day will also held up your fluid intake, so essential for healthy digestion. More about Herbal Aloe Concentrate...
Also, let's not forget Herbalife's Christmas Survival Kit: Formula 1 and Thermojetics Instant Herbal Beverage. The rule is - 'never to go to the banquet hungry'! As long as you take a Formula 1 shake half an hour to an hour before heading out to the party - it means you won't be famished and eating everything in sight at the buffet table!
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