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Jamie Chow
T: (65) 85713647
E: herbalife.jamiec@gmail.com

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SHAPE (May 2008 issue)

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Herbalife: Cellular Nutrition concept explained!

Cellular Nutrition makes use of knowledge gained from the botanical world's 6,000 year history and incorporates health building nutritional herbs with the best modern technology to help our bodies cleanse and detoxify so that the cells - the tiniest living units - can be as fully nourished as possible. This allows the cells to grow, repair and to perform their functions with the best possible efficiency so that we feel and look better and are more able to prevent and fight disease. Once the body begins to clear itself of toxins it can more effeciently absorb nutrition.

One of the main differences between Cellular Nutrition and other nutritional supplements is that supplements are rarely enough! Simply consuming good food and adding nutritional supplements will not make any difference to the way you feel if your body is unable to fully digest and absorb all the nutrition you eat!

Dieting generally doesn't work because when you starve the body of essential nutrients your metabolism slows down and you get hungry and grumpy. To lose weight, you need to get the fat out of your food and good nutrition in. Because fat takes up more space than muscle you will find that once you start taking Cellular Nutrition, you lose inches and change body shape dramatically.

Cellular Nutrition is a magical, fast food nutritional supplement that you can't overdose on. It's an all herbal pure food that provides the body with many of the micro-nutrients and botanical factors it needs every day. It helps to control and normalize your appetite, you lose inches and the appearance of cellulite, your energy doubles and even triples, you feel great and you can still eat the foods you love.

Used on a daily basis, it promotes better health by supplying good nutrition to your body at a cellular level which helps to rebuild and regenerate the villi.

So, to feel healthy, you have to be healthy and to be healthy, you need to nourish your cells. We call this Cellular Nutrition, and it’s the scientific foundation of every product Herbalife offers. By supplying your cells with the proper balance of nutrients, your cells become more receptive, allowing them to efficiently absorb and process nutrients. Through Cellular Nutrition, Herbalife has created the best foundation for weight loss and lasting results. Nobel Laurrate, Dr Lui Ignarro, and other nutritional experts that form part of our Medical Advisory Board are committed to making Herbalife's products the best in the world.

UCLA's Cellular and Mollecular Laboratory is where all the research takes place and the lab carries the name of Mark Hughes, the founder of Herbalife, which is the greatest honour to Herbalife, UCLA being one of the most prestigious universities in the world. Nutritional and medical experts from all over the world form part of Herbalife Nutritional and Medical Advisory Boards.

Herbalife Nutrition Advisory Board

Cellular Nutrition is the cornerstone of the ShapeWorks ™ Program. Our Cellular Nutrition products are scientifically balanced to nourish cells for optimal metabolism, growth, repair and reproduction. This helps to ensure that the nutrients your body needs daily are absorbed and delivered throughout your body at the cellular level. As a result, you experience more energy and easier weight loss.

A breakthrough in weight loss, the ShapeWorks ™ Program is based on the clinically tested theories and philosophies of Dr. David Heber, Director of the Center for Human Nutrition and Chairman of Herbalife’s Scientific and Medical Advisory Boards. With 27 years as a leader in the weight-loss industry, we’ve designed ShapeWorks ™ to help you successfully control your hunger–the #1 challenge facing people on a diet. By combining Cellular Nutrition with the ability to personalize your protein, Herbalife has created a winning combination with the ShapeWorks ™ Program.

Combining Herbalife’s exclusive Cellular Nutrition products and the power of protein makes the ShapeWorks ™ Program unique. ShapeWorks ™ is a personalized weight-management program that delivers healthy weight-loss results and helps you manage hunger and feel great as you lose weight, get in shape and stay that way for life!

The role of vitamins and minerals in your body: Why we must supplement?

Vitamins and minerals are natural substances found in living things such as plants and they are vital nutrients for bodily functions and prevention of disease. In a massive study of 26000 people it was concluded that not one person received nutritional requirements set by Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA). This pretty much does it for an archaic argument of "I can get everything I need from food!" Well, no, you can not!

The fact is that every one of us will eventually die, however, how you look and feel for the last 20 to 50 years of your life will depend on your lifestyle and vitamin and mineral intake throughout your life as Vitamins and Minerals influence the following:

Your Immune System: They help build up your immunity as heart disease, cancer and other illnesses and ailments are created due to deficiencies based on what
you eat or don't eat.

Your Energy Levels: Optimum consumption of vitamins and minerals will increase your energy levels and vitamins and minerals are involved in the release of energy from digested foods. Strong and long lasting energy levels are pretty good indicators of a healthy nutrition.

Your Appearance: Vitamins and Minerals influence the appearance of your skin, tone, elasticity, hair strength, thickness and colour, fingernail strength, colour and texture, etc. Ever came across someone who looks 50 at 30 or someone who actually looks 30 at 50?

Your Intelligence: Brain function, ability to concentrate and memory are boosted by proper vitamin and mineral intake.

According to the research in the US alone, 96% of Americans die of disease attributed to NOT getting proper nutrition. This figure will be close to majority of the Western countries. Considering that the UK is The Fat Capital of Europe, straight after the USA in the World, this figure could be closer to the UK than any other country.
"A deficiency of a vitamin or mineral will cause a body part to malfunction and
eventually break down - and, like dominos, other body parts will follow",
F. Balch, M.D., Prescription for Nutritional Healing
Here are the reasons why there is an increasing evidence that vitamin and mineral supplementation is absolutely necessary:

Crop nutrient losses - decades of agriculture have overworked and depleted soils of minerals.
Poor digestion - eating too much or too quickly and stress can cause indigestion, which, in turn, reduces absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Over-cooking - can easily destroy valuable food nutrients.

Microwave cooking - easily alter the nutritional structure and value of food

Food storage - length of storage and freezing deplete the nutritional value of most foods.

Food selection - eating a too limited range of different food groups will result in nutrient deficiency.

Food omission - allergies to foods, crash dieting and poorly designed vegetarian diets omit significant dietary sources of nutrients.

Environmental factors - herbicides and pesticides are used on crops, leaving them wit low nutritional value.

Antibiotics - interfere with the intake of essential nutrients.

Poor lifestyle habits - smoking, alcohol and caffeine can inhibit the absorption of vitamins and minerals or accelerate the loss of nutrients.

Stress - be it physical or emotional, it can increase body's requirement of vitamins and minerals.

Out of balance - the level of each mineral and vitamin in the body has an effect on others, so, if one is missing or out of balance, all will be effected. All combined enhance the power of the others.

Nutrient variance - there are substantial differences between one fruit or vegetable and another. One tomato can have 10 times more nutritional value than another - which one did you eat?

"Insufficient vitamin intake is apparently a cause of chronic diseases... Most people do not consume an optimal amount of all vitamins by diet alone. Pending strong evidence of effectiveness from randomised trials, it appears prudent for all adults to take vitamin supplements",
American Medical Association.

Vitamins and Minerals in your body work in synergy as a network of nutrients working together and if one nutrient is missing, it will throw the entire network of nutrients out of balance. That is why supplements should include many different types of vitamins and minerals, combined in the right proportions.

Please note that not all supplements are beneficial. For a supplement to be beneficial to your body, it must be absorbed by your body. Research has proven that many, especially low cost supplements from high street stores, "name brands", would do you absolutely no good as the x-rays have shown that they simply remain in your colon, completely undissolved!

Herbalife's products are Cellular Nutrition and, as such, guarantee to be of the highest quality and completely absorbed by your body. That is why people say that they feel a difference when taking Herbalife products. Find out more about Herbalife's Cellular Nutrition Technology.

So, considering the above and the fact that your health, intelligence, energy levels and your looks are dependent on you replenishing your vitamins and minerals several times per day, have you decided which life are you designing for yourself?

Waistline - the best guide to good health!

It has been a while since research has proven that person's waistline is the most important measure of person's health. Bathroom scales no longer give the whole picture of one's health. At the same time, Body Max Index can be quite a meaningless measure and, as tens of thousands of people a year die from obesity related diseases, it seems important to look into the health risk factors...

Doctors have long known that the more weight a person gains, the higher their risk of a heart attack. The first large-scale international study of abdominal obesity has found that a tape measure indeed is a better guide to the risk of heart disease. The risks associated with increasing waists held across all populations, despite the widely varying waist sizes among the 168,000 people who took part. The study was conducted by 6000 family doctors across the globe. Although people in Far Eastern populations have smaller waists on average than those in the West, their risk of heart disease increased at the same rate as they put extra inches.

Body Mass Index, which is a ratio of person's height and weight, does not take into account the wide variations in person's shape. American footballers weighing upwards of 300lbs may cross the boundary for obesity as measured by their BMI, but be healthy because they carry most of their weight as muscle rather than fat.

The type of fat and where it accumulates is more important than the amount. Excess weight around the stomach is more harmful then when deposited in other parts of the body, such as legs and hips. Fat deposits deep inside the abdomen, which is seen in an expanding waist, secrets toxins into the blood stream, raises cholesterol and increases the body's resistance to insulin, essential for controlling blood sugar. A rise in insulin resistance means the pancreas has to produce extra insulin, which can damage other organs, such as the kidneys. Also, fat around waist secretes messenger molecules, compounds and hormones that contribute to heart disease and cancer.

Latest research has found that for every two inches you add to your waistline, you increase your chances of dying early. For every 2 inches (5 centimetres) increase in waist size, the risk of premature death rises by 17% in men and 13% in women, even if you are not classed as overweight.

Two people can both weigh 70 kilos and have the same height, but larger waist circumference in one of them will point to a larger ratio of body fat to body's muscle mass and, therefore, a larger health risk, despite Body Mass Index being the same for both of them and perhaps even showing a normal weight according to BMI scores. Actually, the study of 350,000 people with normal BMIs of 18 to 25 shows waist size is just as important. Also, people who have slim waists in relation to their hips - lived longer.

Men whose bellies measure more than 47.2 inches double their chances of early death compared to those with less than 31.5 inches round the middle.

Women with waist larger than 39.4 inches are the highest risk compared to those of less than 25.6 inches.

To measure your Waist, you need to follow these instructions:
Press your fingers into your torso near the right side of your waist. Push your fingers into your skin to find the bony pelvis. Keep pushing and moving your fingers along the edge of the hip bone until you find the top curve of the bone. The highest point will be located on the side of your torso, just underneath the lower portion of your ribcage. Generally, this spot will be at around the same level as your bellybutton, and near, or at, the narrowest part of your torso. Position the tape measure horizontally at this spot at the top of your hip bone. Then circle it around your abdomen and entire torso. Make sure that the tape lies horizontal on all sides of your torso. Breathe out when you take measurement, i.e., do not tuck in your tummy...

Now that you have measured it, here is where you can use this measurement to get your Free Instant Body Fat Analysis and see how you can lose those inches.


Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix: ShapeWorks Core Essential: ANYTIME-ANYWHERE MEAL

In today's busy lifestyle reaching for convenient food on the go is an easy and attractive option. These foods tend to be high in fat, salt and calories and often lack essential nutrients denying the body important vitamins and minerals. Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix has been used by millions of people around the world for the past 27 years.

It is balanced and delicious, versatile and easy to prepare - the perfect healthy meal in a glass! Whether you take one shake a day as a healthy meal or two shakes as part of your weight management programme, it will deliver perfect healthy solution as it is packed with vitamins, minerals, herbs, healthy soy protein, carbohydrates and healthy dietary fibre, all in 200 calories!

New, improved protein-rich formula, derived from Soy Protein Isolate

Each serving (made with milk) provides 17 grams of protein helping to keep the body's protein requirements balanced thus minimising muscle wastage during periods of weight-control.

Low in calories, only 217 kcal per serving (including 250ml of semi-skimmed milk.

Low in saturated and unsaturated fat.

Formula 1 has been developed with advanced food technology, providing a scientifically balanced and easily absorbed source of quality nutrition.

Provides a combination of slow-release and quick release carbohydrates to help regulate blood sugar highs and lows while maintaining energy levels.

Provides high quality dietary fibre.

Rich in minerals and vitamins A, C and E, that can help fight "free radical" oxygen molecules and so help protect your body.

Formula 1 uses calcium caseinate, a protein source which may be more suitable for those with lactose intolerance.

Easy to prepare, totally portable, delicious...

Buy Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix today!

Do you find calorie counting off-putting and demoralising?
Formula 1 is simple - you do not need to tediously count calories - just have two servings each day and a main meal of your choice. This daily routine provides perfectly balanced calories and nutrients, ensuring your body is well-nourished.

Do you feel constantly hungry and empty, even if you have just eaten?
Formula 1's special combination of ingredients will help to provide enough calories/ energy to get you through the day.

Do you worry that you maybe missing essential nutrients because you are reducing your food intake?
Ordinarily, you may well be! It is essential to the success of any weight control programme to include a reliable source of comprehensive nutrients, such as those contained in Formula 1.

Do you sometimes feel miserable, tired, even irritable whilst trying to control your weight?
Miserable because you feel deprived; tired because your "fuel" intake may be too low and irritable because blood sugar highs and lows can create a yo-yo effect. Formula 1 will help pep-up your vitality levels, and consequently, your outlook should be more cheerful.

Do you find it difficult to maintain variety and interest in your food when trying to control your weight?
With six different and delicious flavours to choose from, and an abundance of shake recipe ideas - the last thing you will suffer is boredom! The recipes are so versatile and diverse and you will also have fun thinking some of your own ideas!

Are you worried that you may start putting weight back on?
Replace ONE meal a day with a delicious shake and continue with choosing healthy foods for your two main meals. You need not put any weight back on if you have made careful lifestyle improvements and continue to use ShapeWorks products in the "maintenance fashion".

How often do you resort to ready-made meals or eat out at "fast food" outlets?
Many fast foods are low in nutritional value, over-processed, full of chemicals, high in fat and sugar, and expensive. If you do need a "fast meal", and want to be kind to your body, opt out for Formula 1's fantastic nutrient rich food value.

To give you an idea of just how nutritious it is, one shake provides the following approximate nutrient levels:

Vitamin A = (equivalent to) 120g cheddar cheese (47% EU RDA)
vitamin C = 100g boiled cabbage (29% EU RDA)
Vitamin D = 50g tinned tuna (50% EU RDA)
Vitamin E = 50g dry roasted cashew nuts (51% EU RDA)
Vitamin B6 = 100g cooked lentils (33% EU RDA)
Vitamin B12 = two raw eggs (154% EU RDA)
Calcium = 80g tofu (52% EU RDA)
Zinc = 85g cooked crab (32% EU RDA)
Magnesium = 248ml carrot juice (18% EU RDA)
Iron = 155g cooked beef steak (38% EU RDA)
Potassium = 100g cooked soya beans (NA)
Copper = one avocado (NA)
Selenium = 90g cooked liver (NA)
Dietary Fibre = four slices wholemeal bread (20% EU RDA)

Imagine the amount of calories you would be consuming daily in order to give your body minimum amount of every single nutrient your body needs every single day to ensure proper metabolism, growth, repair, detoxification and reproduction: it is estimated that you would need to consume food that would range between 4000-6000 calories to get the same amount of nutrition from regular foods.

How much time do you spend each day preparing nutritionally balanced meals?
If your lifestyle prevents you from regularly preparing nutritious meals, don't worry; Formula 1 takes just a few minutes, there is no mess, no fuss, and it tastes great! Just ad milk/ soya milk/ juice or rice milk and shake till smooth and creamy. If you fancy a smoothie, just add fruit. It is quick, Healthy and Easy to prepare!

Do you eat breakfast each day?
Breakfast is recognised by nutritional experts as the most important meal of the day, providing you with much needed energy and nutrients, and is the "break" from your night's "fast". Try not to neglect your fuel requirements - Formula 1 makes a satisfying and easily prepared breakfast, perfect for getting the day off to a good start!

How often do you rush through or miss lunch?
Prepare a Formula 1 shake instead! Just take a small container to work with enough of the powder for one serving and add either milk powder and water, juice or use fresh semi-skimmed or soya milk! Combine in a sealable beaker and give it a good shake - lunch is ready! If you have access to a blander - then add some fruit for variety!

How often do you feel tired and lacking in vitality?
If you find your vitality levels flagging half way through the morning or afternoon, simply top-up your fuel reserves mid morning or mid afternoon with a snack-sized half serving of Formula 1!

Do you lead a stressful lifestyle and worry that it may be affecting you on a physical level?
It is better to be safe than sorry! You need a constant supply of vitamins and minerals to help your body fight off the free radical damage we endure because of stress, pollution, chemicals, etc. Formula 1 provides balanced nutrients, which are readily absorbed by the body to help keep you in a good physical shape. As a simple preventative measure, simply include Formula 1 in your daily regime!

Do you tend to snack on cakes, biscuits, and rely on a constant supply of coffee and tea through the day?
Get into a new and healthier habit - replace one of your daily snack sessions with a nutritious and tasty protein bar or soy nuts.

Everyone can enjoy the benefits of Formula 1 as it serves different purposes:
weight control: simply replace two meals a day with two shakes
healthy nutrition: once you've achieved your ideal weight, replace one meal with a shake and incorporate it into your daily regime feeling confident that you are giving your body the best.
sports nutrition: sports men and women all over the world enrich their daily diets by powering their active lives with rich nutrient content in Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix.


A hectic lifestyle of busy mums and dads, hardworking students and high-flying executives, needs a regular supply of good quality "fuel" to keep blood sugars level and provide essential nutrients and energy throughout the day. Irregular meals and poor food choice can result in fatigue and weight gain so regularly-spaced healthy meals are a must. Formula 1 shake is a NOW meal, immediate, satisfying and nutritious.

Protein provides the "building blocks" of life - amino acids - every cell in the body needs amino acids. Protein is useful to the body for a multitude of tasks, such as maintaining muscle mass, repairing damage to tissues and producing hormones and enzymes.

It can reduce cholesterol levels, helps digestive system work more efficiently by choosing smaller, highly nutritious option, fibre rich, that is easily digested; supplies excellent levels of valuable nutrients.

Finally, at the end of a long list of positive benefits, you can enjoy this marvellous product in three fabulous flavours: Vanilla, Chocolate, and Tropical Fruit Flavour. It really is the classic must-have!

Buy Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix today!

FAT kids at risk

From Mind Your Body, The Straits Times, 13 November 2008

While genes can play a part in diabetes, the unhealthy diet and lack of exercise in our modern era are claiming diabetic victims too.

More overweight children and adolescents are at risk of getting type-2 diabetes. MYB finds out why and how to prevent it.

While genes can play a part in diabetes, the unhealthy diet and lack of exercise in our modern era are claiming diabetic victims too.
In both developed and developing societies, a clear link has been observed between obesity rates and the sharply rising number of people falling prey to type-2 diabetes.

Healthy eating habits and exercise can prevent up to 80% of type-2 diabetes cases.

Although both type-1 and type-2 diabetes may have hereditary aspects, obesity, lack of exercise and unhealthy diets can greatly increase the risk of the latter's onset.

In type-1 diabetics, patients' bodies produce little or no insulin. Thus, they are dependent on daily insulin injections to control their blood-glucose levels.

Those with type-2 diabetes do not usually require insulin injections but can work on controlling their blood-sugar levels by watching their diet, exercising or taking certain oral medications.

Through healthy eating habits and increased physical activity, the onset of type-2 diabetes can be prevented in up to 80 per cent of cases, data from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) suggests.

In Singapore, doctors who spoke to Mind Your Body said more youths are at risk of type-2 diabetes now, compared to a few decades ago.

Associate Professor Lee Yung Seng, a consultant with the University Children's Medical Institute at the National University Hospital (NUH), said almost half of the newly diagnosed adolescent diabetes patients he sees have the type-2 variety.

He added: 'A lot of them are overweight and discovered through opportunistic screening.'

Early stage type-2 diabetes often shows few or no symptoms.

Prof Lee explained that especially in the case of young type-2 diabetics, a sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits and excessive weight gain are very strong contributing factors.

Even in the case of type-1 diabetes in children and adolescents, while the actual factors are still uncertain, those who are overweight or lead unhealthy lifestyles may fall victim to it at an earlier age.

Dr Fabian Yap, head of endocrine services at the KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH), said that compared to the early 1990s when there were hardly any cases of children and adolescents with type-2 diabetes, about one-third of new cases he sees now are type-2.

He said KKH, which attends to around 65 to 70 per cent of Singapore's child and adolescent diabetics, has seen about 50 new cases of diabetes annually over the last 10 years.

Dr Yap estimated that 55 per cent of diabetics diagnosed at age 12 were found to have type-2 diabetes. Twelve is the most common age at which this form of diabetes is diagnosed in young patients, he said.

'This tells you that at this age, it is important for doctors to diagnose what type of diabetes a patient has,' he said, adding that hormonal changes during puberty tend to 'unmask' latent diabetes.

He also noted that 80 to 90 per cent of the young type-2 patients he sees are overweight.

Both doctors agreed that in dealing with diabetic children and teenagers, controlling the condition is key but many face trouble in complying with the treatments.

'Teenagers, especially, undergo a lot of changes physically, emotionally and in their social circles. They tend to seek more independence and may develop priorities in life other than their diabetes,' Prof Lee said.

This could lead them to risk-taking behaviour like skipping insulin injections and medications, as well as forgoing dietary control.

Dr Yap said the successful self-management of diabetes in a young patient ultimately depends on the person's maturity.

'There are some who understand their condition and can start injecting themselves at age eight. On the other hand, there are 16-year-olds who can't do anything on their own,' he noted.

Both doctors agreed that family support is crucial to proper diabetes management in younger patients.

Such support can be shown through exercising together and changing the whole family's diet to encourage better eating habits.

Mismanagement of young diabetics' conditions can lead to eye and kidney problems, along with increased risk of heart attacks and stroke later in life, they said.

One young patient learning to manage his condition is 14-year-old Iskandar Aziz, who was diagnosed with type-2 diabetes in March last year.

He was hospitalised after an asthma attack but a check found his blood-sugar levels to be high.

Iskandar's mother, Ms Salmiah Razat, 40, was surprised her son has diabetes. She had thought that her son's obesity related only to breathing problems.

Since then, Ms Salmiah has made a concerted effort to get her entire family to adopt a healthier diet.

'As a family, we now take walks in the park. We've also changed our diet in support of Iskandar,' she added.

Iskandar, who is 1.6m tall and used to weigh about 100kg, has started swimming and running regularly, along with hitting the gym once a week.

Thanks to his new lifestyle, he has lost about 5 to 6kg in the last year.

He is grateful he has a supportive family and friends who constantly remind him to watch his diet and not to eat too many sweets.

It has been a learning experience for Ms Salmiah too. She said it was important to avoid 'negative thinking' when teaching a young person to manage his diabetes.

She added: 'We try to maintain a positive attitude in encouraging Iskandar to change his lifestyle. Still, it takes some time for him especially when it comes to changing eating habits.'

America's Worst Breakfast Foods

America's Worst Breakfast Foods
The authors of Eat This, Not That! reveal the most dangerous ways to start your day.

From News Coverage of HBL

While the old cliché about breakfast being the most important meal of the day still holds true—because you’ll consume fewer calories over the course of the day, have stronger cognitive skills and be 30 percent less likely to become overweight or obese—new studies reveal something of a surprise for most diners: that breakfast may also be the most fattening.

Click here to read more!

Products for the Heart

Why do you need to keep a healthy heart?

Heart disease is the #1 cause of death worldwide, greater than the next five causes of death combined! As leading cause of death for both men and women around the world, cardiovascular disease affects people of all ages and races.

In Singapore, according to the year 2006 health statistic from Ministry of Health, Coronary heart diseases is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality after Cancer. Together, they are responsible for approximately 60% cause of death.

Leading causes of death in Singapore are:

  1. Cancer
  2. Coronary heart diseases
  3. Cerebrovascular Disease (including stroke)
  4. Pneumonia
  5. Diabetes
  6. Hypertension, and
  7. Injuries

Coronary heart disease is the second main cause of death in Singapore!

These diseases share common risk factors such as :

  1. Smoking
  2. Obesity
  3. Physical inactivity, and
  4. Alcohol consumption.

Moderately overweight adults, even after having lost their weight, suffer increase chances of developing heart disease by over 70% (National Institute of Health,2004). Fortunately, the majority of cardiovascular diseases are preventable and controllable (World Health Federation, April 2004).

1. Risk Factor - Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance either synthesized by the body or derived from our diet. There are two types of cholesterol that travel through your blood:

  • LDL = bad cholesterol (GARBAGE)
  • HDL= good cholesterol (TRUCKS)

Too much LDL (bad cholesterol) may increase the risk of clog arteries and veins so that your organs don't get enough oxygen and nutrients they need, while HDL (good cholesterol) helps transport cholesterol out of the bloodstream to the liver, where your body can either remove or re-utilize it. (If garbage are too much, the trucks cannot carry enough, so the garbage will clog the arteries and veins)

The higher a person's total cholesterol, the greater the risk for heart disease.

2. Risk Factor - High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure tells how hard your heart is pumping to circulate blood around your body. High blood pressure means that your heart is working too hard, which may ultimately lead to heart failure if your heart does not get enough blood or strokes if your brain does not receive enough blood.

3. Risk Factor - Triglyceride

Triglycerides are a form of fat necessary for human life & Homocysteine is amino acids (building block of protein). High blood triglycerides are usually link with having lower HDL (good) cholesterol, contributing to higher risk of heart attack and stroke. Excess amounts of homocysteine may be associate with an increase risk of stroke in people who already have coronary heart disease.

High blood Triglycerides have been linked to higher risk of heart attack and stroke.

What can you do?
You can help reduce your risk of heart disease by taking steps to control factors that put you at greater risk:

  • Control your blood pressure
  • Lower your cholesterol
  • Don't smoke
  • Get enough exercise

There are products which help to significantly lower your chances of developing heart disease and reverse the effects of a current heart condition you may or may not be aware of. Lower cholesterol, triglycerides, homocysteine and CRP levels are a start to promoting healthy hearts.

Click here to view Products for the Heart.

How can you manage your heart health Risk factors?

From News Coverage of HBL

From News Coverage of HBL

From News Coverage of HBL

SHAPE magazine (May 2008 issue)

Herbalife Shake is mentioned as the ideal meal replacements that will work for you in SHAPE!

From News Coverage of HBL

From News Coverage of HBL

The IMPORTANCE of a healthy breakfast!

From HBL Resources


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We look forward to working with you to achieve your health and wellness goals.