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Jamie Chow
T: (65) 85713647
E: herbalife.jamiec@gmail.com

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SHAPE (May 2008 issue)

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Why I cant lose weight using Herbalife???

I understand there are concerns while you are on the Shapeworks program. The program may not be suited for everyone, and occasionally you may feel the program is not right for you.

Here are some typical questions from customers:

"I'm not losing weight."
Possible reasons:
A. Are you using Formula 1 with milk? Some people are intolerant to milk. You may mix your shakes with nonfat milk or soy milk, or even better, mix with plain water! You can blend your shakes with fresh fruits.

B. Not measuring inches. Some people lose centimeters or inches first and weight second. It is important to measure inches as well as check weight because there are times when you will lose inches and not kilos. As long as you are losing either inches or kilos (or both), the program is working.

C. Cheating. If you have the urge to cheat, I recommend trying Herbal Tea Concentrate or Total Control ( ask me for details ).

D. Not following the program (lose weight) as directed. Remember, the program calls for two shakes and one balanced meal per day as directed.Skipping meals can starve the body and slow down metabolism. This can weaken the diet and lead to cheating. Not taking shakes and meals as directed can result in poor nutrition, which can also sabotage the diet. So always remember to follow the program as directed.

"I feel hungry."
Possible reasons:
A. Not following the program correctly. It is unusual to feel hungry when following the program correctly. Be sure you are making your shakes properly, not skipping meals and taking the products properly to help control appetite. For additional hunger control, you can add extra Formula 3 Personalise Protein Powder in your shake.

B. Not eating properly. An important part of Herbalife Shapeworks is eating food. It is important to eat a healthy well-balanced diet. Hunger pangs or cravings arise from skipping meals, not making shakes properly or eating inadequate amounts of protein. ShapeWorks helps reduce feelings of hunger, if you are following the program correctly.

"I feel sick / nauseous, have indigestion, gasiness, bloating, or constipation."
Be sure to take shakes or meals as directed. Never skip your shakes or meals! Nausea can also be a sign of poor digestion. Be sure to follow the program as directed and drink at 1-2 litres of water a day. Aloe Concentrate tastes great andwill help settle the stomach.

"I have a headache."
Headaches can arise from blood sugar fluctuations or dehydration. Be sure to follow the program, eating two shakes, one snack and a balanced meal, as directed, and drink at least six to eight glasses of water daily.

"I feel tired."
Sometimes when you're on a diet, you may feel more tired as your body adjusts to less calories.Eat every meal and shake on time. Don't skip meals, be sure you are following your program as outlined and get plenty of rest.

"I'm on ShapeWorks for 10 days and have gained weight and inches around the middle. Why?"
There could be a number of reasons for the weight gain. The most likely reason is that you are exceeding your daily calorie target for weight-loss. If you have a low metabolic rate, you should consult your physician about increasing your exercise regimen and focus on your protein targets.

I am your Personal Wellness Coach

When you start on Herbalife products with me, you got yourself a Personal Wellness Consultant... that's me!

It doesn't matter whether you are losing weight, gaining weight or improving your health and energy.
I will teach you of how to take the products correctly.

I will check on you at least once a week to make sure you are taking your products consistently and diligently so that you can achieve your results.

I will motivate and encourage you all the way during your journey.

Everything is No Problem... as long as we stay positive and focus on our goal.

And remember...I am always here for you! =D



For taking your time to want to learn more about improving your Health and Weight Issue.

You are not alone, as a quarter of the world's population are overweight and obese!

Thanks to our Amazing Products, as of now, we have been helping More than 60 Million people all over the world to achieve an Incredible Satisfying Result and more to come!

We have 28 years of Knowledge and Experience and been approved in 69 Countries to support their people to a Healthier and Proper Weight Management Lifestyle, hence we are proud to be rated the No. 1 Weight Management Company in the world in this Industry!

First of all, click on the url below to receive a FREE Consultation for you to understand your body better. There is No Obligations for you start our program until you are ready.

Try the “Shape-o-meter” right now and find out all about your personal shape and how you can maximize your potential. You may qualify for a FREE consultation

However once you are ready, I will be happy to support you along the way and make sure you enjoy the process and achieve your Ultimate Weight Management / Health Goal!

It's Simple, Affordable and Magical!
Happy to see you soon!

Your Personal Wellness Coach,
Jamie C.

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You Are At The Right Place Doing The Right Thing


You are one step closer to Looking Fabulous and Feeling Great!

I will speak to you soon.

Meanwhile, just click the links on your right to take a tour around the site to know more about your body.